List: anatomy
Terms used by anatomists and zoologists, in scientific journals, textbooks, and by doctors and other health professionals.
popular JLPT N1 anatomy noun noun (generic)
- brain
- brains, mind
popular JLPT N1 noun noun (generic) noun taking the genitive case particle ㎠adjective (generic) adverb anatomy
- substance, essence
- substantive, substantial, essential, real (e.g. interest rate)
- in essence, in effect, essentially, effectively, practically
- parenchyma
popular anatomy noun noun (generic)
- internal organs, viscera
popular JLPT N3 anatomy noun noun (generic)
- heart
- guts, nerve, cheek, gall, spine
- heart (of something), central part
popular JLPT N3 anatomy noun noun (generic) noun taking the genitive case particle ㎠adjective (generic)
- nerve
- nerves, sensitivity
popular anatomy noun noun (generic)
- liver
popular anatomy noun noun (generic) obsolete term
- bone marrow, medulla
- heart's core, depths of one's heart
- main point, vital part
popular JLPT N1 anatomy noun noun (generic)
- blood vessel, vein
popular anatomy noun noun (generic)
- heart muscle, cardiac muscle, myocardium
popular anatomy noun noun (generic)
- joint