popular noun noun (generic)
- vehicle inspection
popular noun noun (generic) noun taking the genitive case particle の adjective (generic)
- in a train (car, bus, etc.), on a train
popular noun noun (generic)
- roadway, road, carriageway
popular noun noun (generic)
- train window, car window
popular noun noun (generic) railway
- wheel stop, parking block, parking curb
- buffer stop, bumper, bumping post, stopblock
- (wheel) chock
- bollard (for preventing vehicle access), barrier
popular noun noun (generic)
- distance between two cars
popular noun noun (generic)
- wheelchair
popular noun noun (generic)
- axle
popular noun noun (generic)
- sitting in a circle
popular noun noun (generic)
- cost of a car
- carfare
- honorarium (to cover transportation costs)
- travel expenses (customarily given by wedding hosts to guests who have travelled from afar)