

popular  JLPT N3  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb  intransitive verb  baseball  suffix 

  • to drain, to pour, to run, to let flow, to flush, to shed (blood, tears), to spill
  • to float (e.g. logs down a river), to set adrift
  • to wash away, to carry away, to sweep away
  • to broadcast, to play (e.g. music over a loudspeaker), to send (electricity through a wire)
  • to circulate (a rumour, information, etc.), to spread, to distribute
  • to cruise (of a taxi), to stroll around (in search of customers, an audience, etc.), to go from place to place
  • to cancel (a plan, meeting, etc.), to call off, to reject (e.g. a bill)
  • to forfeit (a pawn)
  • to do leisurely (e.g. running, swimming), to do with ease, to do effortlessly
  • to exile, to banish
  • to hit (the ball) to the opposite field
  • to do inattentively, to do without concentrating, to put little effort into doing

popular  obsolete reading  rarely used kanji form  JLPT N3  ใ„ adjective  adjective (generic)  suffix 

  • good, excellent, fine, nice, pleasant, agreeable
  • sufficient, enough, ready, prepared
  • profitable (deal, business offer, etc.), beneficial
  • OK, all right, fine, no problem
  • easy to ...

popular  noun  noun (generic)  suffix  military  horse racing 

  • (yarn) count
  • nth place (in a race), nth position (in a starting lineup)
  • nth rank (in a battle formation)
  • castle guard
  • second-place horse

popular  noun  noun (generic)  suffix 

  • opening, gap
  • dried and opened fish

popular  rarely used kanji form  JLPT N5  noun  noun (generic)  colloquial  archaic  suffix  counter 

  • box, case, chest, package, pack, crate
  • car (of a train, etc.)
  • shamisen case, shamisen
  • public building, community building
  • man who carries a geisha's shamisen
  • receptacle for human waste, feces (faeces)
  • counter for boxes (or boxed objects)
ๅธซๅŒ ใ—ใ—ใ‚‡ใ†shishou

popular  noun  noun (generic)  suffix  sumo 

  • master, teacher
  • stable master

popular  JLPT N1  suffix  counter 

  • counter for questions

popular  suffix 

  • in the style of (esp. literary, artistic, etc. works), reminiscent of
  • attached or stretched on

popular  noun  noun (generic)  suffix  adverb 

  • one yen
  • throughout (an area), whole district

popular  JLPT N3  noun  noun (generic)  astronomy  archaic  suffix  counter 

  • wing
  • Chinese "Wings" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
  • counter for birds or bird wings
