ใช adjective adjective (generic) obsolete term
- roundabout, indirect, circuitous, impractical, useless
- ignorant (of the world)
obsolete term noun noun (generic)
- British capital, London
obsolete term noun noun (generic)
- spectacles for far-sightedness
- telescope
noun noun (generic) colloquial obsolete term
- Yellow Peril (alleged threat to Western civilization posed by East Asians)
- harm caused by dumping human waste from train toilets onto the track
gikun or jukujikun noun noun (generic) obsolete term
- Hades, hell, underworld
- underground spring
obsolete term noun noun (generic)
- spectators, visitors, audience
obsolete term noun noun (generic)
- carbohydrate
noun noun (generic) obsolete term noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ transitive verb
- reserve, modesty, hesitation, restraint
- abhorrence, repugnance, loathing, dislike
noun noun (generic) colloquial obsolete term
- reverse thrust, retrofiring
- sudden mental derangement
noun noun (generic) obsolete term counter
- kin, catty, traditional unit of weight, 600g
- pound (unit of weight)
- loaf (of bread)