popular JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) noun (suffix) counter printing
- class (of students)
- group (of people), party, team, crew
- lot, bunch, set
- crime family, organized-crime syndicate
- set (of items), assortment, deck (of cards), pack
- typesetting, composition
popular noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ intransitive verb counter
- telephone call, speaking over the telephone, (Internet) voice call, videoconference call
- counter for telephone calls of a set duration
popular JLPT N5 noun noun (generic) adverb abbreviation counter
- evening, night
- dinner, evening meal
- counter for nights
popular noun noun (generic) counter
- tuft (of hair, threads, etc.), fringe, tassel
- bunch (of grapes, bananas, etc.), cluster (of flowers)
- segment (of a tangerine, etc.), section
popular JLPT N1 noun (suffix) noun (generic) counter go (game)
- arrival, arriving at ...
- counter for items or suits of clothing
- nth place (in a race)
- counter for moves
popular obsolete reading noun noun (generic) counter
- food, foodstuff
- eating, appetite
- meal, portion
popular JLPT N3 honorific language suffix noun noun (generic) pronoun counter
- Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss
- clan
- he, him
- counter for people
popular JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) noun (suffix) counter
- lesson
- section (in an organization), division, department
- counter for lessons and chapters (of a book)
popular noun noun (generic) noun (suffix) counter
- storey, story, floor
- stairs
- stage (in chronostratigraphy)
- counter for storeys and floors of a building
popular obsolete reading JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) counter noun (suffix)
- needle, pin
- hook
- stinger, thorn
- hand (e.g. clock, etc.), pointer
- staple (for a stapler)
- needlework, sewing
- malice
- counter for stitches