card games noun noun (generic)
- utagaruta, traditional matching game played with cards with stanzas of waka written on them
card games noun noun (generic)
- three-card monte (game)
card games noun noun (generic) historical term
- deck (from which players draw cards), draw pile, stock
- tag verifying one has permission to take plants and trees from common land (Edo period)
noun noun (generic) card games
- extremely rich person, multimillionaire, billionaire
- daifugล, daihinmin, card game similar to President
card games noun noun (generic)
- canasta
card games noun noun (generic)
- contract bridge, bridge
card games noun noun (generic)
- full house
card games noun noun (generic)
- royal straight flush
card games noun noun (generic)
- straight flush
ateji rarely used kanji form usually written using kana alone card games noun noun (generic)
- oicho-kabu (traditional gambling game)