- popular
- Words commonly used in modern Japanese #popular
- noun
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi) #n
- noun (generic)
- All kinds of Japanese nouns #noun
- noun or participle taking the aux. verb する
- noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru #vs
- intransitive verb
- intransitive verb #vi
- noun taking the genitive case particle の
- Nouns that can be converted into genitive case using the particle の. #adj-no
- adjective (generic)
- All kinds of Japanese adjectives #adj
- nounnoun or participle taking the aux. verb するintransitive verbnoun taking the genitive case particle のprotuberance, bulge, protrusion, projection, swell
- nounnoun or participle taking the aux. verb するintransitive verbnoun taking the genitive case particle のrise, uplift, upheaval, elevation
- verheffing, opheffing, elevatie, uitpuiling
- {geol.} bodemopheffing, bodemverheffing
- {geneesk.} uitsteeksel, uitstulping, bobbel, welving, zich verheffen, uitsteken, uitpuilen, uitspringen, uitstulpen, oprijzen
- élévation, protubérance, saillie, soulèvement
- Ausbeulung, Wulst, Wölbung
- Erhebung, Erhöhung, Auswuchs, Höcker, Vorsprung, Protuberanz
- Hebung, Aufpressung
- Apophyse
- Eminentia, Vorsprung, Vorwölbung
- sich ausbeulen, sich auswölben, vorspringen
- sich erheben, hervorspringen, angehoben werden, gehoben werden
- sich auswachsen, einen Höcker bilden, eine Protuberanz bilden
- kiálló rész, kinyúlás, vetítés
- выступ; выпуклость; возвышение, подъём; (геол.) смещение пластов; взброс; крутой надвиг, горст, {~する} выдаваться, возвышаться, подниматься, {~している} (как определение) выпуклый; выдающийся вперёд
How to write
Not available for this kanji.
Kanji in this word
Extended information
- JMDict ID: 1552930
- JMdictDB entry
- Short URL: https://jpdct.com/F7Ii
- Appears in the "wordfreq" file compiled by Alexandre Girardi (see wordfreq.README) on the last 12.000 words.
- This word is detected as being common, but is not included in other lists.
- Frequency-of-use ranking in the wordfreq file: 31