悪 巧 み
- nounnoun or participle taking the aux. verb するintransitive verbwiles, sinister design, trick, conspiracy, intrigue
- list, kneep, complot, intrige, kunstgreep, (sluwe) streek, boos opzet, snood plan, gekonkel, kuiperij, samenzwering, machinatie, conspiratie
- Intrige, Arglist, Heimtücke, Hinterlist, Ränke
- cselszövés, intrika
- махинация, каверза, подвох, {~をする} интриговать, устраивать подвох (махинацию); строить козни
- ardid, motivo siniestro, truco, conspiración, intriga, ardid, diseño siniestro, truco, conspiración, intriga
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Example sentences
- Japanese sentence
- 彼は絶対にその謀議に加担していなかった。反政府の悪だくみがあったのは、彼ではなくて、その兄だった。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- He has had absolutely no part in the conspiracy; it was not he, but his brother, who had an axe to grind against the government.Il n'avait absolument rien à voir avec le complot, ce n'est pas lui mais son frère qui avait une dent contre le gouvernement.Ele não tomou parte na conspiração. Era o seu irmão, e não ele, que estava contra o governo.